/bingo start | Starts a game (if there isn’t already one running). |
/bingo end | Immediately ends the current game and displays the winner. |
/bingo reroll | Re-rolls the card for completely new random items. |
/bingo shuffleteams # | Randomly shuffles all players onto the given number of teams. |
/bingo options elytra | Changes whether players have elytra/rockets during the game. |
/bingo options night_vision | Changes whether players are given the night vision effect during the game. |
/bingo timelimit # | Sets the time limit of the game, in minutes (or “off” for no timer) |
/bingo mode <option> | Toggles on/off the different Bingo modes, such as Lockout, Inventory, or Hidden Items. |
/bingo goal <option> | Changes the number of Bingo lines needed for a team to win the game. |
/bingo difficulty # # # # # | Changes the item distribution used to generate the card. |
/bingo filter ... | Edits constraints of the number and types of objectives that are generated on the card. |
/bingo card <tile> set <objective> | Manually changes a specific tile on the Bingo Card. |
/bingo card seed | Shows the random seed used to generate the current Bingo Card. |
/bingo card seed # | Sets the Bingo Card seed to a specific value. |
/join <team> <player> | Assigns a player to a different team - will respawn them if in-game. |