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Game Options


Bingo’s modes affect how scored items behave on the card. Multiple modes can be enabled at once; or you can leave them all off for the default behavior.


Once an item is collected by any team, that tile is locked and no other teams can collect it.

This works best if “goal” is set to a # of items, rather than lines. If the goal becomes impossible for any team to accomplish, the game will immediately end.


Items must remain in a team member’s inventory to hold a tile. Losing an item un-marks its tile on the card (meaning you need to stay alive with your items in order to win).

Hidden Items

Items are not shown on the bingo card until a player discovers them.

For advancement/challenge goals, the item will be shown as soon as any amount of progress is made.

A preview BINGO card where every tile is hidden and replaced with a question mark.

It’s a mystery! Good luck crafting every variant of wooden fence :)

Consume Items

Items are taken from the player when they are captured on a card.

This means that similar objectives (e.g. bucket of water and bucket of milk) cannot be completed with the same item; you would need to craft a new bucket for each.

Card Difficulty

The “card difficulty” decides how many items will be pulled from each tier to make the card. These values must add up to 25 or less.

An item distribution menu, showing several tiers with numbers underneath them.

Each bingo card will be generated by randomly selecting the number of items from each tier.

This means that, although the items on the card are randomized, the difficulty will remain relatively the same according to the item distribution that you pick.

These are typically organized by the following:

  • D-tier: Items that you can immediately pick up in the world, with little to no exploring/preparation.
  • C-tier: Might take some preparation (collecting iron, building a nether portal), but can be obtained in 10-20 minutes on most attempts.
  • B-tier: Involves moderate preparation or finding a specific biome/structure to obtain. This includes items from lush caves or particular nether biomes.
  • A-tier: Items with high difficulty, but are still usually obtainable within a 1hr time limit. This includes items from Bastions, Ancient Cities, some rare biomes (desert/mangrove), and time-consuming tasks (beekeeping).
  • S-tier: For any of these items, you need to literally speedrun the game and then some. Includes outer end items, netherite gear, silk touch blocks, and general endgame items.


While the “card difficulty” affects the difficulty of the game, “filters” affect the types of challenges that will be on the card.

The filters menu provides built-in presets to choose from, such as “Everything”, “Overworld”, “Items”, and “Advancements”.

These can be customized in more detail with the /bingo filter <filter> [filter ...] command, which supports three types of filters:

  • Include: /bingo filter +in_overworld - Selects only items that are obtainable in the overworld
  • Exclude: /bingo filter -tedious - Excludes any items that are in the “tedious” list
  • Count: /bingo filter type=advancement#5 - Ensures that exactly 5 advancements are on the card (if possible).

If no include filters are present, by default any objective that exists in the game can be chosen.

For a more complex example, the following generates a card with only the “items” and “advancements” lists, 5 nether objectives, and no biome-specific, tedious, or unobtainable items:
/bingo filter +items +advancements in_the_nether#5 -biome_specific -tedious -unobtainable

You can see the active filters (and other game settings) by running the /bingo command.