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  • Directoryconfig
    • Directoryyet-another-minecraft-bingo/
      • config.json

Most of these config options can only be changed by manually editing the config.json file, and do not have an interface in the game lobby.

{    "itemFilterPresets": {        "everything": "-tedious -unobtainable"    },

Provides preset filter settings for the lobby menu and the /bingo filter command.

"difficultyPresets": { "easy": [0, 0, 0, 9, 16], "medium": [0, 0, 3, 10, 12], "hard": [0, 1, 5, 10, 9], "extreme": [0, 5, 7, 7, 6], "impossible": [5, 7, 6, 5, 2] },

Provides preset card difficulty settings for the lobby menu and the /bingo difficulty command.

"preventScoringSpawnKitItems": false,

Adds NBT tags to all spawn kit items, which prevents them from being scored.

However, this also prevents them from being auto-filled in crafting recipes due to Minecraft client behavior (MC-129057), hence why this is turned off by default.

"excludeSpawnKitItemsFromCards": true,

Prevents cards from generating with any of the items that are in the enabled spawn kits.

"preventLobbyChaos": false,

Turns off sounds that can be caused by other players in the pre-game lobby. This prevents large groups from causing a racket, and is a nice option for streamers to avoid distractions. (cue trapdoor flipping noise)

"lobbyTutorialBook": true,

Gives players a book that explains how to play the game and adjust player settings when in the lobby.

When this is turned off, players can only obtain the book with the /bingo book command.

"giveMementoInSurvival": true,

In survival/SMP mode, the mod gives players a permanent "memento" map of each bingo game they complete.

"nightVisionInSpectator": true,

Controls whether all spectating players are given the night vision effect.

"nightVisionInPostgame": true,

Controls whether all players are given the night vision effect when the game is over.

"supportClientHud": true,

Whether players with the client-side mod can see the bingo card through the HUD. If this is false, they are treated the same as vanilla players.

"startWhenReadySeconds": 600,

The timer that counts down to start the game once all players are on a team. Players can vote /ready to speed this up, proportionally to the player count. Can be set to null to turn off.

"nextRoundWhenReadySeconds": 600,

The timer that counts down to reset the server when a game is over. Can be set to null to turn off.

"nextRoundWhenReadyWaitsForFirstVote": true,

Whether the "Next Round" timer should wait until at least one player has voted /ready to start counting down.

"nextRoundWhenEveryoneDisconnects": true,

Automatically resets the server if all players disconnect after a game has ended.

"unsafeSkipWorldClose": false,

Skips world closing when the server is shutting down, which can speed up restarts if the server is held up by chunk saving. This may cause crashes or world data corruption.

"chat": { "defaultToTeamChat": true,

Whether player chat messages should be sent to their team's chat while in-game.

"globalCommandAliases": [ "g", "global", "all" ], "teamCommandAliases": [] }, "databaseUrl": null,

Provides a JDBC database URL, username, and password. Currently, only SQLite is supported. By default, this uses a bingo.db file in the mod's config directory.

"syncStats": true,

Whether to sync player statistics (playtime, win/loss, items scored) with any connected clients. Turning this off will only update the statistics for games that are played on the server.

"statsHostId": "bb919114-ddb1-44c6-a7b2-51790cef7ebe",

Provides a unique ID for each host that can be used to determine which server a game was played on, for calculating the "Best Time" statistics.

"client": {

Client-side settings can all be edited in the settings through ModMenu. You don't need to change these manually.

"enableHud": true, "showQuickStartButton": true, "cardPausesGame": true, "cardScale": 1.0, "cardAlignment": "TOP_LEFT", "cardOffsetX": 0, "cardOffsetY": 0, "cardOverlap": "ABOVE", "cardTeamOutlines": true, "showMultipleCards": false, "hideOnF3": true, "hideOnChat": false, "messageFromOtherTeams": true, "messageDurationSeconds": 5, "messageScale": 1.0, "soundVolumes": {} }, "server": { "isLobbyMode": false,

Whether the bingo lobby (and other destructive game options) are enabled. Use the /bingo lobby command to read the warnings before turning this on. This can delete your world folder!

"preloadViewDistance": 4,

Lobby-mode only: Sets the view distance that should be preloaded around each player's spawn before starting the game. Increasing this can make games much slower to start.

"filesToReset": [],

A list of files to delete when the server restarts, provided that "isLobbyMode" is true. Entries can use * wildcards to refer to multiple files - e.g. DIM* matches every file or directory that starts with "DIM".

"defaultPlayerSettings": {

Sets the default player settings that are given to each new player.

"seenTutorial": false, "hideLobbyPrompt": false, "bossbar": false, "scoreboard": true, "scoreboardAutoHide": false, "leadingMessages": true, "scoreMessages": true, "itemMessages": true, "nightVision": true } }}