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Voice Chat

When Simple Voice Chat is installed, the bingo mod will automatically create voice groups for each team at the start of the game.

  • If there is only one player on each team, the mod will use a single “combined” group instead of creating separate team chats.
  • Any spectating players (that are not on a team, or that join mid-round) will be placed in a separate “spectator” group.
  • When the game ends, all players will be moved to the “combined” group.

This behavior can be changed in yet-another-minecraft-bingo/voicechat.json

config / yet-another-minecraft-bingo / voicechat.json
{    "enabled": true,    "useCombinedGroupForSingleplayerTeams": true,

Uses a single combined group when there is only one player per team.

"useCombinedGroupAlways": false,

Uses a single combined group, regardless of the player/team count

"teamGroups": {

Group settings used for the per-team groups

"name": "Bingo: %s Team",

"%s" will be replaced with the team name - e.g. "Bingo: Green Team"

"type": "OPEN",


"password": null, "hidden": false }, "spectatorGroup": {

Group settings used for the spectator group

"name": "Bingo: Spectators", "type": "NORMAL", "password": null, "hidden": false }, "combinedGroup": {

Group settings used for the combined group

"name": "Bingo", "type": "OPEN", "password": null, "hidden": false }}

To tell the mod not to create a certain type of group, you can also set "teamGroups": null, "spectatorGroup": null, or "combinedGroup": null.