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By default, any advancement or item in the game can be used directly in a tier list.

However, you might want a particular item or objective to have different behavior when it appears on a card. This includes requiring specific NBT data, a certain quantity of an item, multiple items at once, and so on.

To achieve this, you can place custom .json objectives in a datapack, under data / <namespace> / yet-another-minecraft-bingo / objectives / <path>.json.


objectives / get_three_sticks.json
  "type": "item",
  "display": {
    "name": "Get Sticks"
  "item": "minecraft:stick",
  "count": 3
tierlists / my_cool_new_list.tierlist.json
  "S": [],
  "A": [],
  "B": [],
  "C": [],
  "D": [

To see more examples, the built in “challenge” objectives can be used as a reference - which are included in challenge.tierlist.json.

Objective JSON

These are common properties that can be specified on any objective:

  • "type": "...": The type of objective: item, one_of, all_of, inverse, or opponent.
  • "display": {}: Alters what name or item the objective shows when displayed on the card
    • "name": {"text": "Kelp!"}: Uses raw JSON text format to specify the objective name
    • "lore": [{"text": "Pick up a piece of Kelp"}]: Uses an array of raw JSON text format for the hover tooltip. Each array item is one line of text.
    • "item": "minecraft:kelp": Changes the visual item for the objective
    • "itemNbt": "{}": Sets pre-1.20.6 NBT data on the item
    • "itemComponents": {}: Sets post-1.20.6 JSON-encoded data components on the item
      • "minecraft:enchantments": {"levels":{"mending":1}}
    • "image": "mynamespace:myimage": References a custom PNG image to be used as the objective icon
    • "decoration": "NONE": Applies a decoration to the objective’s tile on the card. One of: ADVANCEMENT, MULTI_ITEM, FORBIDDEN, NONE.
  • "conflictsWith": ["minecraft:dried_kelp"]: A list of conflicting objectives that should never appear on the same card as this one.
  • "validate": {}: A set of conditions that must pass for the objective to appear on the card.


Tracks when an item enters the player’s inventory.

  • "type": "item"
  • "item": "minecraft:kelp": The item that the player needs to pick up for this objective
  • "count": <number-source>: The amount of this item that the player needs to obtain
  • "nbt": "{}": Sets pre-1.20.6 NBT data on the item
  • "components": {}: Sets post-1.20.6 JSON-encoded data components on the item
    • "minecraft:enchantments": {"levels":{"mending":1}}
  • "permanent": false: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained. If true, the objective will remain scored even if Inventory mode is enabled.

Name substitutions: %count%


Tracks when a player scores an advancement. This is mainly useful for modifying the objective’s "display" properties.

  • "type": "advancement"
  • "advancement": "minecraft:story/mine_stone": The advancement identifier that should capture the objective when obtained.


Tracks a player’s statistics.

  • "type": "stats"
  • "statType": "minecraft:custom: Specifies the statistic type.
  • "statName": "minecraft:open_barrel": The statistic name. Optional - if omitted, uses the sum of all statistics under the type.
  • "min": <number-source>: The minimum statistic value required to earn this objective (default: 1)
  • "max": <number-source>: The maximum statistic value required to keep this objective (default: unset)

Name substitutions: %min%, %max%

Scoreboard Objectives

Tracks a particular scoreboard entry for each player. This may be useful for more complicated goals that need their own logic written in a datapack.

  • "type": "scoreboard"
  • "scoreboardName": "your_datapack_objective": The name of the scoreboard objective that should be tracked.
  • "min": <number-source>: The minimum scoreboard value required to earn this objective (default: 1)
  • "max": <number-source>: The maximum scoreboard value required to keep this objective (default: unset)
  • "relative": false: Measures the increase in this scoreboard since the start of the game, rather than its actual value. (default: false)
  • "permanent": false: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained.

Name substitutions: %min%, %max%

One Of …

Tracks if a player obtains any of the listed objectives.

  • "type": "one_of"
  • "objectives": ["minecraft:kelp", "minecraft:dried_kelp"]: A list of objective IDs. The player may obtain any of these to complete this objective.
  • "permanent": false: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained. If true, the objective will remain scored even if Inventory mode is enabled.

Some Of …

Tracks if a player obtains a particular number of the listed objectives.

  • "type": "some_of"
  • "objectives": ["minecraft:kelp", "minecraft:dried_kelp", "minecraft:seagrass", ...]: A list of objective IDs. The player must obtain between min-max of these to complete this objective.
  • "min": <number-source>: The minimum # of objectives required to earn this objective (default: 1)
  • "max": <number-source>: The maximum # of objectives required to keep this objective (default: unset)
  • "permanent": false: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained. If true, the objective will remain scored even if Inventory mode is enabled.

Name substitutions: %min%, %max%

All Of …

Tracks if a player has obtained all the listed objectives.

  • "type": "all_of"
  • "objectives": ["minecraft:kelp", "minecraft:dried_kelp"]: A list of objective IDs. The player must obtain all of these to complete this objective.
  • "permanent": false: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained. If true, the objective will remain scored even if Inventory mode is enabled.

Inverse / Never Obtain …

Tracks if a player has never obtained an objective. For example, this goal will be taken away if a player picks up wheat seeds at any point.

  • "type": "inverse"
  • "objective": "minecraft:wheat_seeds": The objective that should be inverted.
  • "permanent": true: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained. If false, this objective can be re-gained by dropping the wheat_seeds.

Opponent Obtains …

Tracks if any opposing team obtains an objective. For example, when a team obtains wheat seeds, every other team will capture this objective.

  • "type": "opponent"
  • "objective": "minecraft:wheat_seeds": The objective that should be tracked.
  • "permanent": true: Whether the objective is permanently scored once obtained. If false, this objective would be lost when the opponent drops their wheat_seeds.

Number Source

Some of these JSON properties describe a “Number Source”, which can be one of three values:

  • Constant: "count": 8 - providing a direct number to use for the value
  • Options: "count": [8, 16, 32] - providing an array of options from which a number will be randomly chosen
  • Randomized: "count": { ... } - providing a min/max from which a random number will be generated
    • "type": "random"
    • "min": 8: The lower boundary for the item count (inclusive)
    • "max": 32: The upper boundary for the item count (inclusive)


Some types of objectives might not work with all the possible game settings, especially when using scoreboards & datapack functions to write your own logic.

For example, opponent-based objectives usually aren’t completable if there is only one team.

To solve this, you can use "validate" to specify which settings your objective needs. The mod will then either avoid the objective or warn players starting a game when the requirements aren’t met.

  "validate": {    "minTeams": 2,    "maxTeams": 4,

Min/max number of teams needed to start the game

"minPlayers": 2, "maxPlayers": 4,

Min/max number of players needed to start the game

"minPlayersPerTeam": 1, "maxPlayersPerTeam": 8,

Min/max number of players that must be on each team

"objectives": ["minecraft:copper_bulb"],

Require that certain objectives are successfully resolved.

By default, the mod ignores any missing objectives (such as modded items or custom advancements) and just logs a warning in the console.

"onlyDefaultTeams": true

Require that only the default bingo teams are used (bingo_red, bingo_pink, bingo_blue, ...)

This will warn if players try to set up their own teams with the /team command.


For example, validation is used in stat_killed_creaking to ensure that it only shows up on 1.21.4+ by checking for "objectives": ["minecraft:resin_clump"]. (This is because the “creaking killed” statistic does not work in the 1.21.3 preview)