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Resource Packs

You can use a resource pack to create your own bingo card textures for each team.

The card textures must be 122x132px, and should be either fully transparent or fully opaque (support for partially transparent HUD textures is a bit finicky).

Here is an example that you can use as a template:

A Minecraft Bingo Card with some random items on it

Resource pack structure

Card textures must be placed under assets/minecraft/textures/gui/sprites/... for the game to pick them up.

  • Directoryassets/
    • Directoryminecraft/textures/gui/sprites/bingo/
      • button.png 80x50px, Quick-start button on the title menu
      • button_focused.png
      • card_preview.png 122x132px, Preview card texture.
      • card_aqua.png 122x132px, Aqua team’s card texture.
      • card_blue.png 122x132px, Blue team’s card texture.
      • outline.png 122x132px, Card outline when hovered
      • tooltip.png 34x34px, Item grid shown in “One of …” / “All of …” tooltips
    • Directoryyet-another-minecraft-bingo/gui/
      • card_colors.json
  • pack.mcmeta

For a full example, look at the included “classic” resource pack source.


When modifying card textures, it is strongly recommended to include the card_colors.json file as well. This file specifies which card texture to use for each team, as well as its title position, text color, and other settings.

The example below might look complicated, but you don’t need to provide every option in this file unless you’re changing them for each team. For example, here is the “card_colors.json” used for classic resource pack.

{  "default": {

Provides the fallback card settings to use when a setting isn't defined for the team.

"tileAchievedColor": "#ff55ff55",

Color of the green background/overlay of a tile when it is achieved.

"tileFlashingColor": "#ffb24cd8",

Alternating color that briefly flashes on the card when a tile is captured.

"tileProgressColor": "#ff309f30",

Color that gradually fills up when a tile is partially complete (e.g. collected 4 of 10 squid ink)

"backgroundColor": "#ff000000",

Background drawn behind the items if the card texture is transparent.

"textX": 12, "textY": 10,

Position (top-left aligned) that the team name should be placed on the card.

"textColor": "#ff000000",

Text color for the team name.

"outlineColor": "#00000000",

Color of the outline drawn on another team's card when a tile is scored.

"cardTexture": "minecraft:bingo/card_preview",

References the card texture (under textures/gui/sprites) to use for the HUD.

"cardTextureGui": "minecraft:bingo/card_preview",

References the card texture to use in the GUI (when the card is expanded or in the 'Game Over' screen).

"cardTextureOutline": "minecraft:bingo/outline"

References the outline texture used when spectators select a card.

}, "teams": { "preview": {

"preview" is used for the pre-game card before a team is selected.

"textColor": "#ff233034", "outlineColor": "#00000000", "cardTexture": "minecraft:bingo/card_preview"

These settings match what's under "default". Anything that isn't specified here will use the default value as its fallback.

}, "orange": { "textColor": "#ffe9a03a", "outlineColor": "#ffffaa00", "cardTexture": "minecraft:bingo/card_orange" }, // "team name here": { ... }

Repeat for "blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "pink", "aqua", "orange", and "gray" to cover the default teams.


Custom teams

card_colors.json can also provide textures for custom teams that you manually create with the vanilla /team command.

In the above example, in place of "team name here", use the team name that you provide to /team add <team>.

This would allow, for example, a custom team like /team add terrific_turtles:

  "teams": {
    "terrific_turtles": {
      "outlineColor": "#ffa600ff",
      "cardTexture": "minecraft:bingo/card_terrific_turtles"