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This mod uses a set of permission checks for most of its behavior - which can be configured through a permissions mod such as LuckPerms (or any other permissions mod using the fabric-permissions-api).

Check out the LuckPerms Wiki for how to set up and configure these permissions!

bingo.configure.gameOperatorsInteract with the game menu in the lobby, and configure the game through commands.
bingo.configure.playerEveryoneInteract with the player menu in the lobby, and use the /bingo set commands.
bingo.command.joinEveryoneUse the /join command to join a team in the lobby.
bingo.command.join_playerOperatorsUse the /join command to change another player’s team.
bingo.command.coordsEveryoneUse the /coords command to share coordinates with the team.
bingo.command.spectatorEveryoneUse the /spectator command (when spectating a game, if vanished) to switch between spectator and adventure gamemodes.
bingo.command.restartOperatorsUse the /restart command to restart the server.
bingo.command.bingoOperatorsUse the /bingo command to change options or end the game.
bingo.command.bingo_setEveryoneUse the /bingo set command to change player-specific bossbar/scoreboard settings.
bingo.lobby.bypass_chaos_preventionOperatorsWhether the player can bypass the “lobbyChaosPrevention” setting and make sounds in the lobby.
bingo.spectator.use_doorsNooneWhether a spectator (if vanished in adventure mode) can open doors in the world.
bingo.spectator.view_inventoryEveryoneWhether a spectator can look inside chests during a game.
bingo.spectator.view_cardsEveryoneWhether a spectator is given every team’s cards during a game.