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Customizing the lobby

The lobby used as the game’s spawn area can be changed by adding a file to the mod’s config folder.

To start, it is recommended that you download the default and extract it into your Minecraft saves/ folder. This should make the lobby show up as a creative world in your singleplayer world list.

Once you’ve made your changes, you can export it for the bingo mod by either re-zipping the world save or using “Edit > Make Backup” from the world list, which will place a zip in your backups/ folder.

You can then place the resulting zip into ./config/yet-another-minecraft-bingo/, and the server will use it in place of the default lobby.

  • Directoryconfig
    • Directoryyet-another-minecraft-bingo/

Lobby Behavior

When the server starts up, it looks for specific blocks in a 48x48 box around the world origin to use for specific functionality…


The world spawn can be changed by placing a minecraft:player_head at the location you want players to spawn in the lobby.

A Minecraft player head on top of a grass block

Game Menu

The game menu looks for three vertical minecraft:oak_wall_sign (an oak sign placed against a wall) blocks to set its position. It has a total height of 4 blocks and a width of 14.

Three oak signs placed above each other on a wall

Team Pickers

The “team picker” entities can be created by placing a colored carpet on top of a lodestone block.

A green carpet on top of a lodestone block

This only works for the set teams included in the mod; i.e.

  • Blue Team (minecraft:blue_carpet)
  • Red Team (minecraft:red_carpet)
  • Green Team (minecraft:green_carpet)
  • Yellow Team (minecraft:yellow_carpet)
  • Pink Team (minecraft:pink_carpet)
  • Aqua Team (minecraft:cyan_carpet)
  • Orange Team (minecraft:orange_carpet)
  • Gray Team (minecraft:light_gray_carpet)


The statistics menu will activate whenever a player walks over an iron pressure plate. It will look for the nearest armor stand entity and spawn its other display entities around it.